Vital Proteins

Trial, awareness and consumer insights for Vital Proteins Collagen

Organizing a sampling campaign for a product that actually needs some explanation is extra challenging. But when Nestlé Health Science asked us to promote Vital Proteins Collagen (a product that strengthens skin, hair and nails) in the Netherlands and Belgium, we had enough ideas to effectively reach their target audience.

Approach and Results

As always, we presented a wide range of possible sampling locations for Vital Proteins' brand manager to choose from. This eventually resulted in about five channels (locations) including hairdressers, nail salons and saunas/spas.

We felt it was important that the sample not be carelessly given to the target audience, so we asked our partners at the selected channels to give a brief explanation of the product. In addition, consumers were also given a flyer with more information, plus a link to a short survey.

The research provided Vital Proteins with interesting consumer insights about product appreciation and repeat purchase intent, among other things.

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    Chris Hagens