Santa Maria

94% consider buying tortillas after sampling at vacation parks

When you think of Tex Mex, you quickly think of Santa Maria anyway. The brand has several products including the famous tortillas. Since Santa Maria had released new eco-friendly packaging for their tortillas, they thought it was a good time to start a sampling campaign. The aim was to introduce the tortillas (and the new packaging) to the target group of families with children.

Our approach

To reach the target group as effectively as possible, we devised a sampling campaign at vacation parks. Upon check-in, guests at the vacation parks received a pack of Santa Maria tortillas and a flyer with a recipe. On it was also a QR code and a link to a short survey. Everyone who participated in the survey had a chance to win a 250 euro voucher.


The results of our sampling campaign were above expectations. Our research showed that the product was highly valued. And a whopping 94% of respondents said they would definitely consider buying Santa Maria tortillas more often in the future.

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    Chris Hagens