Blue Band

Ideal place and time to reach new audiences with sampling

Blue Band with cream butter is a vegetable spreadable butter with the taste of cream butter. So better for your heart and the environment, but just as delicious as cream butter. You just have to experience that. Therefore, Blue Band asked us to help them reach the target group 35+ to encourage trial of the product. Both consumers who are very conscious of their diet and the environment and those who are less so.


What is the time of year when consumers have needs for cream butter? At Christmas. Nothing like creamy butter on Christmas bread or stollen. Except maybe Blue Band with cream butter. So we asked Bakker Bart if we could set up a sampling campaign with them during the Christmas period? Consumers who bought a Christmas bread were given a (regular) tub of Blue Band with butter.

Eye-catching posters
To generate extra attention for the campaign, we worked with Bakker Bart and Blue Band to create eye-catching posters that immediately caught your eye when you came into the store.


Spread throughout the Netherlands, 17,500 tubs of Blue Band with butter were sold in various branches of Bakker Bart during the month of December. The response from both store employees and consumers was very positive.

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    Chris Hagens