Research on the effect of sampling

So what is really the effect of sampling? We really wanted to investigate it properly, so we asked Neuromarketing Research Company Unravel to set up this study for us. We did this using a sampling campaign for Mentos. We had Unravel investigate what happens to unconscious brand associations as a result of a sampling campaign. Four brand associations were measured. The results of the survey were surprisingly positive, but before we delve deeper into the results of the survey, let’s tell you how the campaign went.

The sampling campaign

The Mentos Gum Pure Fresh sampling campaign was set up by us at various sneaker shops and food deliveries, all over the Netherlands. With each purchase, consumers received a Mentos Gum mini jar. The promotion was communicated through a counter stand and flyer. With the flyer, we called on consumers to participate and give his or her opinion on the product.

The research

To measure the effects of the sampling campaign on brand associations, neuromarketing research firm Unravel developed an implicit association test (IAT). In short, an implicit association test measures the associations a consumer has with a brand through an (online) survey, which measures brand association based on reaction time. By conducting this survey both before and after receiving a sample, it is possible to compare these results. Prior to and after the sampling campaign, we sent consumers an e-mail invitation to participate in the association test. The following associations were measured during the study.

  • Is Mentos Chewing Gum perceived more positively after receiving a sample?
  • Is the association with refreshing strengthened by sampling?
  • Is the product more likely to be associated with delicious after sampling?
  • How manageable is packaging perceived in the brain after sampling?

The results before and after receiving the sample were then compared. Based on these results, we could see what happened to the different brand associations.

The results

In this association test, we were curious about the effect of sampling on the four associations mentioned above. We conducted a measurement among consumers who did not receive a sample and consumers who did receive a sample. After receiving the sample, we saw a large effect on the measured associations compared to the group that had not received a sample. Mentos, after getting a sample, is perceived as more positive, handy, refreshing and tasty. The increase in positive associations shows that sampling is a good move to make consumers feel positive about the product and its features. Sampling therefore has a positive effect on the perception of the product and can be used to improve brand perception and thus increase repeat purchases.

Want to know more?

Would you like to measure the associations of your brand through sampling or activations? At Lime Factory, we can help you with this. Want more information about our approach or have a question? Then feel free to contact us!