By sampling from retail and leisure locations, Lime Factory employs a substantially different sampling method than most other sampling agencies. Whereas they usually choose locations where many people pass by such as squares, stations and shopping malls, we choose local stores and leisure locations to introduce consumers to your product. By using multiple locations, we can also distribute large numbers of samples. We choose this very consciously because this method of sampling (channel sampling) makes more of an impression on the consumer and is therefore longer lasting.
Relevant sampling
We always present our clients with sampling locations (channels) that make sense and where the sample meets a consumer need. As in this example where we distributed a Maggi spice mix to butchers. Even if there is not such an obvious link between product and location, we always make sure the location is relevant to the brand and product.
Reinforce your brand values with relevant sampling
Every marketer knows that relevance is a key factor for success. The content should have at least some connection to your brand, mission and product. Moreover, consumers expect the same from a brand. Where this is true for content marketing, it is at least as true for promotional activities such as sampling. There, too, consumers expect relevance. By sampling in a location, relevant to consumers, you ensure that your brand values are reinforced.
Time and attention
Another important reason to choose channel sampling is because your sample receives significantly more attention. The sample is not rushed along but is given to the customer by the store assistant with a brief explanation of the promotion. We can tell you a lot about this, but it is better to see it in the pictures of previous projects. After all, “one strong image says more than a thousand words.
Well-known and trusted person
Not always, but in many cases the consumer also receives the sample from someone they have known for a long time and is also an authority in their eyes. Consider the greengrocer who has given consumers good advice for years or the hairdresser who enjoys a high degree of loyalty. Needless to say, it makes a difference whether you receive a sample from a complete stranger or a close acquaintance.